When to file ARTS-GS?

When you decide to form a Corporation the business operates as a corporation, the business owners, called shareholders, are not personally liable for debts or other claims against the corporation. That's because the corporation is a separate legal entity from its owners. If a corporation complies with the formalities required for it to be treated as a separate legal entity, then anyone seeking to collect a debt from, or enforce a claim against, a corporation, would not be able to collect from the shareholders themselves. They would only be able to pursue the assets held in the name of the corporation.

Get it Filed has an easy order form that will include, the Name of your Corporation, (Our easy order form allows for checking the desired name to insure the filing is not conflicting with an existing entity.) The Registered Agent (California requires its Corporation’s to name a registered agent. A registered agent is a person who agrees to receive lawsuits, subpoenas and other official documents on behalf of the Corporation and to pass them along to the appropriate person. Most states allow anyone who is a state resident over age 18 to serve as a registered agent—including an officer of the Corporation. There are also companies that provide registered agent services for a fee.)

To form a California General Stock Corporation, you’ll need to register with the California Secretary of State. Our one step Corporation order form is a simple user friendly way to submit your Corporation registration to the State of California.

A Corporation is a popular business option that works well for many small and large business owners. GetitFiled.com allows you to form your Corporation in one easy step.

* This article is informational only and is not legal advice. Please consult with a legal and/or Tax Advisor prior to filing with the CA Secretary of State.

This article was originally published by James Thomas, founder of Getitfiled.com, in May 2020.